Struktura is dedicated to the present life of Tokee, the changes he walked through, his new personal inner peace. Struktura expresses all of his experiences during the years and the findings Tokee made that time .
Struktura is an album with a lot of draft. Well thought out and produced clever. Spherical pads and melodies, combined with wonderful pianos meet crushing and powerfull idm beats. The feelings and the love that emanates from this album is noticeable at any time. Struktura is a wonderful journey into the world and into the head of Tokee. The trip is definitely worth it to do. So pack your spiritual bags and travel.....
- Artist / Producer
- Release Date
- Lenght
- Available Formats
- Cat. num (physical)
- Cat. num (digital)
- Label
- Mastering
- Cover
- Layout
- Tokee
- 08/2014
- 51:13
- CD / Digital
- raum-cd-16
- raum-net-38
- Raumklang / Unguided
- Anatoly Grinberg
- Fariz Suleiman
- Fariz Suleiman
Additional information
CD + Digital
Reviews: [10/2014]
Teo Tsalmpouris/aevin [08/2014]
There something intriguing about concept albums. Questions are raised before you even hit the play button. Has the artist managed to keep the theme throughout the entire album? Would be an nice experience or a dull one?
Structure. A rather cold title; almost mechanical. One might say, appropriate for an industrial album. And a gravure on a dark gray solid background, on its cover.
You hit play on Plasma Membrane. The melody starts without any delay.
Gazing the title names and the rest of the album art. Caught by suprise; you realise the titles all derived from biology. The sound of the violin draws your attention, along with a blast of carefully orchestrated beats. You touched the membrane and without even noticing, the first song is nearly finished, letting you still wondering if it's all a nice coincidence...
Nucleus works as the audible projection of what makes who we are; The bass-line, heavy as the human legacy, the piano and violin witnessing the miracles hidden in every cell. The air cutting synth in dialog with the rhythm; always reminding that this is about structures. Living, never ending, fragile structures.
But we ought to look deeper. Cytoplasm welcomes you into the deepest of this musical journey. Kindly reminds you that harmony is the path to describe the rest of life's wonders. The pounding abstract drums mangled with the strings; all put in motion by warm bass which oddly reminds of waltz.
Cytoskeleton unveils more of Tokee mind. It magnifies the his sounds. Letting you observe closer, the fiber network of frequency build in this album. Favorite moment on 2:10 - A single note hit, echoing, until faded out.. Which only prepares you for more.
Ribosome acts like a story about being focused, work without tiredness or complains, keep going; with the synthesis of life itself.
Endoplasmic Reticulum's first second don't suggest the multilayered track that this is. The bright piano touches a chord of your mind as soon as it starts. Almost certain that this is the song that will be repeated in your head when you woke up in the morning. There so much more to that, i'll let you discover by yourself. Another track that felt it's ended too soon? You just have to hear it once again...
Goldi Apparatus. I was unsure what apparatus means; i misread it for aperture. Another lving machine inside every of our the billion cells, observing, taking a careful care of everything... And my daydreaming was the perfect excuse to close my eyes and enjoy the warm, organic melody of this song.
Lysosomes. "Lysi" stands for solution, breaking into pieces. Piano and stabbing synths sound opposed ...But the same in essence.
MeteoXavier [08/2014]
I'm not exactly an unbiased source of opinion, but I listened to TOKEE's new Struktura album the other day, and I think it's the best album he's done yet - which is really saying something even after I was impressed by his prog work on Bouquiniste.
Struktura is a lot more melodic and catchier to me than some of what he's done before and it's definitely a good direction for his music to go to. This stuff is more immersible, world-building kinda stuff like I wanted to do for my own ESPERS album. It's kinda like a Nine Inch Nails (back when Trent was good) meets Metroid Prime kinda sound and there definitely should be more of it.
Go check it out, you'll be glad you did. I sure as shit am
01. Plasma Membrane
02. Nucleus
03. Cytoplasm
04. Cytoskeleton
05. Ribosomes
06. Endoplasmic Reticulum
07. Golgi Apparatus
08. Lysosomes
09. Mitochondria
10. Vacuoles
11. Chloroplasts