The second album of Acnode is presented in a new appearance - the concept of the project is totally processed and based on cybernetics implantation in society life.
The motto - improvement of a flesh and blood of poets, composers, artists by electronics, the cybernetics application in areas of human activity which were, remain and, of course, remain destiny of creativity, identity, originality.
The machines don't replace the personality, but any kind of the human activity which regularity can express in certain algorithms, can be executed by machine in principle. So a Cybernetics to you in the help!
- Artist / Producer
- Release Date
- Lenght
- Available Formats
- Cat. num (physical)
- Cat. num (digital)
- Label
- Mastering
- Cover
- Layout
- Acnode
- 11/2012
- 39:43
- Digital
- raum-net-25
- Raumklang Music
- Tim Ballista
- Acnode
- Acnode
Additional information
Digital, unlimited
Reviews: [01/2012]
Et en effet, sur Cybernetic Misanthropy, les chercheurs déchantent déjà, faisant face à une révolte silencieuse illustrée par la pochette dystopique de ce disque disponible en digital uniquement, en mode plus sombre et texturé à la croisée de l’IDM et du dark ambient sous l’impulsion des pulsations particulièrement cinématiques du beatmaker de Kaliningrad, chef de file en puissance du renouveau d’un genre qui commençait sérieusement à se mordre la queue avant l’avènement du label Xtraplex [01/2012]
01. Cybernetic Misanthropy
02. Digital Algorithm
03. Stabilizer
04. Positioning System
05. Tracking Sensor
06. Descrete Signal
07. Hardware Switch
08. Processing Block
09. Converter
10. Unit 13